Sunday, February 1, 2009

Is this normal?

Several weeks ago I was at the commissary buying some things, and I needed to get some lotion. There was a woman standing in front of the kind that I wanted to get, so I just waited patiently until she moved. I saw her pick up the brand of lotion I was going to buy, open it up, put some on her hands, put the bottle back down and walk away....while rubbing in the lotion she had just put on her hands. I stood there thinking, "did she really just do that?" I went and grabbed a bottle that was towards the back. Word to the wise- never buy the lotion/deodorant/shampoo/liquid soap that is right up front on the shelf- you never know who's been sampling!!


Leah said...

Wow, that's a crazy story! I guess that is the reason they have samples at Bath and Body works. It is fun to find your blog. I might take Adam to Leonardo's this week, I will stop by and see if you guys want to come.

Watts Family said...

Hey there cute girl. It is so fun to see your blog. We miss you guys. You need to come to playgroup more! Love ya.

Anonymous said...

Um....was that womans name Jen?:) huh...did I just admit I may too sample lotion, just to make sure I like the smell? Maybe or maybe will never know.:)