Saturday, January 31, 2009

A Day at the Park

Last Thursday it was about 75 degrees here, so I decided to venture out with the girls and take them to the park. Ava wanted to swing the entire time, so I set the girls out on the ground on a towel.

We were only there about 45 minutes when I realized it was time to go when I saw this:

Ella had passed out where she was sitting. So, I loaded Ava and Thalia into the wagon and off we went. Thalia was still pretty happy.

I got them home, put Ella to bed and gave Ava some lunch. I also fed Thalia and put her down for a nap. When I came back out to see if Ava was ready to get out of her chair, this is what I found:

Needless to say, the fresh air must have got to them- everyone was out for several hours!